
The goal of this program is to allow the students, over a period of time, to patiently develop all their skills. It will provide the students the opportunity to be in a focused environment filled with skills, skills and more skills. Players will learn and practice the correct way to execute all the essential techniques needed to become more effective. Peer learning is highly encouraged.


Training Topics

  1. Foot-Skills: Turn away from traffic and beat opponents with ease.
  2. Dribbling: Dribble and steer the ball while viewing the field.
  3. Receiving: learn to receive the ball with all parts of the body including chest, thighs, instep etc.
  4. Passing: Pass with precision, proper passing techniques – how/where
  5. Shooting: Learn to shoot with accuracy and power.
  6. Juggling: Learn to juggle and have control of ball.